Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Purple Punisher

So we have been dealing with a case of what I originally thought was thrush but apparently was a bacterial infection. Nursing had started to become slightly painful right after Sophie turned 6 weeks old. Buy the middle of last week it was getting to be as painful as when I first started nursing. So on Thursday of last week I called the midwife and they suggested that we try treating it with Gentian Violet. After what seemed like a global search we finally found some at a local pharmacy and I started using it.
And the purple people eater baby ensued:



By Saturday things had gotten much worse! Nursing was extremely painful so I called the midwife again and they referred me to a lactation consultant. Rounds of phone calls later I had a prescription for an antibiotic and a topical treatment.

After the second day of treatment:

In her purple outfit in honor of her purple mouth:



I am happy to say that things are MUCH better now!

And now!! Sophie speaks!
That was a couple of weeks ago right around the time when she first started talking and now she has really found her voice and will talk for several minuets at a time and quite loudly!
Look out world her she comes!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Pretty girl!

Isn't she so pretty!


Now when you take her picture she will often look directly at the camera! Trying to figure it out!






The sleep saga continues! The funny thing about it is that once she actually goes to sleep which could take anywhere from 20 min to 2 hours she is a really good sleeper. Night before last she went from 10:00pm - 6:00am without eating. 8 hours!! However she did not go to bed until midnight! And if you can get her down for a nap she usually will sleep at least two hours.
I have been trying to figure out patterns and note what seems to work and what does not seem to work however it is impossible because she never seems to react the same way twice!
I have a sinking feeling in my heart that we are going to have to battle this out soon enough :-(

She is however a very pretty girl! Coming soon....Sophie speaks! (she has been talking for several weeks I just have not had a chance to post the video!)

Thursday, August 19, 2010

My Family...

When Trevor and I first got married I was so excited that I had my own family. I loved building a life with my husband and making our own family traditions and being our own little family.
But now....oh my now! We have a real live true family....we have a daughter....it is still amazing to me! It is still unbelievable to be able to say....I have a daughter! We have our own little three person family and how I am loving it!


I still have not had a chance to really put these through Photoshop like I would like to but that is life with a 6 week old!

This one is my favorite :-)


Daddy and Sophie don't they look good together!

By the time we were trying to take pictures with Sophie and me she was not in a very good mood!



Don't you like my "star is born" face. Trevor has his I am done with taking pictures look and Sophie has her I am tired face down in the paci look!



I love my family!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Zombie Mom....

Halloween 2008

Ok so its not that bad but the sleep deprivation is starting to get to me....Zzzzz

It seems like so much has changed all of the sudden! Sophie is wearing size 1 diapers and they fit her well. She has out grown most of her newborn clothes and I am already having to put them away :-(
She is getting so good at holding her head up.





I put her in her bumbo set yesterday for the first time and she did great! I think she really likes it! She sat and looked at all the pretty colors on the shelf and smiled at them.




Sadly her sleeping problems have not improved everything we try only has varying levels of success and almost nothing that works once works twice.
I am working on a 12 step (or maybe 20 step or maybe 31 step) plan that starts with me transitioning her from her little bed in our room to her great big crib in her own room. She is so little in that great big bed! She took all her naps in the crib today and did very well.


Yes she still has to have her cuddle blankets that make her feel like she is being held!

And so the plan begins....

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Mommy and Grocery Store VS Baby Sophie Round 1

Soooo venturing out from the home cocoon doesn't always go perfectly!

I was going to go grocery shopping today. It was time. We really needed groceries and Sophie is over a month old now so I want to start doing such things as going to the grocery store.
I planned everything out as detailed as I could getting ready to go while she was napping, timing her feeding for just before we left, getting the list together and having in in my purse.
SO everything was going well I made one small mistake and was hungry by the time we left. I have to start remembering that I should eat before I go anywhere even if I don't feel hungry because most likely I am distracted by getting ready and don't feel it!
When I got to the store and was taking Sophie out of the car I realized I had for the first time forgotten the diaper bag.....du du dunnn. I was beginning to start thinking that perhaps this trip might not turn out so well. Then once I got my cart and had Sophie's car seat set in it I realized that I had also forgotten my reusable shopping bags. Not a problem unless you are shopping at Aldi where you bag your own groceries. They have bags that you can purchase but they are not big and huge like my reusable shopping bags so it would take me a lot longer to bag the large amount of food I was going to buy! At that point I almost turned around and went back to the car.
But I did not want to waist all the prep time I had already spent (preparation that did not include remembering the diaper bag or the shopping bags!) so I thought what the heck I will try it!
I bravely pushed my cart with my fussy little girl down the first isle. We made it down the second isle with a happy baby but......by the time I hit the end of the second isle she was starting to fuss. I made a break for it! By the time we were in the checkout lane she was crying and by the time I was done checking out she was screaming! I know that will not be the last time my child is screaming in some store somewhere but I don't think it will ever get more comfortable.
Sorry everyone my daughter is screaming....deal with it!

Round one goes to baby Sophie~

Whirlwind weekend!

Today was definitely Monday! My house is a mess I didn't get out of my pj's until some time after noon and I didn't get anything done!
Friday morning we tried round two of getting Sophie to take a bottle. The first time we tried I believe we had the bottle assembled incorrectly. Sophie was screaming and we were trying to look up assembly instructions online! We never found them even after we gave up and I nursed her. After some home investigation we figured out that for some reason there were several plastic parts inside the bottle that I don't believe are necessary? Don't ask me why they were in there!
So we tried again without the plastic bits inside the bottle and SUCCESS! She did great! I was so happy I was jumping around the house....she is eating and I am not feeding her!!! Yeah!!!
That afternoon I had an appointment to get my hair cut at last. It was well over due. Little one did fairly well and waited to start crying until I was almost done with my haircut.
Saturday we needed to take one of our car's in for some work so we jumped in the car right after Sophie's early morning feeding and picked up some breakfast on the way home. Not long after we got back Trevor's Aunt Laura and Rhonda came for a visit and not long after that Trevor's parents stopped by for a visit. Then we had run back out to pick up the car! Needless to say we were all worn out and needed a nap after all of that!
Sunday we had planned on trying to take family pictures at the Gaylord hotel. Sophie took a good morning nap so I was able to get ready and Trevor left at 1:30 to pick up my little sister to take the pictures for us. We headed out at about 2:30 and that is when I realized I was so busy getting everyone ready that I had failed to notice that I was hungry...oh dear! We found the hotel without any problems but once we got there figured out that sadly we would have to park in the parking garage which cost $12!!!! It was also a bit of a walk to the hotel! Note to us put the stroller in the car and keep it there! We made it inside and Sophie was just happy enough for about half of the pictures :-( Then she was done and started fussing.
Here is a taste of the pictures we were able to get. I want to photo-chop the rest!

I call this one "fussy baby"


Friday, August 6, 2010

One Month!!!!

Wow I can not believe it has been a month since little bit made her dramatic appearance in our lives!

What has changed over the past month since we first laid eyes on sweet Sophie?

Chubby bunny!! She gets chubbier every day....I can literally see the fat rolls growing and appearing here and there.

Her hair is getting lighter and longer every day and so far no signs that it is falling out!



She is stronger and can hold her head up higher and longer.



She can actually focus on things and for a longer period of time.



And she can SMILE! Its wonderful!




Happy one month B-day Sophie!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Sophie Love!

What do I love about my girl.....everything! But to be more specific.

I love her round little cheeks that just beg to be kissed.


I love her cute little impossibly turned up noes that I have no idea where it came from.


I love how soft and sweet her whole little body is from the top of her head to her tiny toes!



I love doing things like this! After all I did have a kid mostly just to have someone to play with!




I love her super wonderful sweet smile gas or accident or not!


I love that she is all mine! Mine to care for and mine to love mine to kiss and hug....mine to give back to the one who so amazingly entrusted her to me!

Love you Sophie!