Sunday, February 6, 2011

Progress and the Park

So I have been busy and neglectful of my little blog.
We have finally made some progress..there was finally a weekend without rain and we were able to clear out everything from the garage and then put it all back in and organized manner (ahh the joy of a garage!) which left room to put all the "garage" stuff that was in my living room actually in the garage!
So this:

Is now this:

And this:

Is now this:

There is still much to be done and more "big kid" furniture and stuff to buy and still lots of boxes to unpack and organizing to do.....oh dear....

Today we made our very first visit to the park! And in typical Sophie fashion she responded with either "meh" or dislike.....typical....however in her defense it was a bit windy and a tiny bit chilly so perhaps that was part of what put a damper on the fun.

She did not like the swing
And was nonplussed by swinging with dad
And also by the slide
Windblown hair!
Sliding with mom was no more thrilling.
And I try to remind myself during these times when I am disappointed that my little one did not take to something right away...that someday she will cry when its time to leave the park....

1 comment:

  1. I could use your organization over here! Love the pics of Sophie at the park :)
