Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Workin on the weekend!

So this is what we did over Thanksgiving weekend:


See what I mean by serious remodel! We are extremely blessed to have Trevor's step-dad who is an AMAZING and extremely talented contractor that can do anything. He is graciously helping us make this a house we can love.
The above picture is what the dining room currently looks like.
Below is the kitchen.

This is the view from the hallway looking into what was the living room and one of the bedrooms but is now all living room.

This is the living room/hallway from the former bedroom!

So far its looking amazing and all we have done is take things out! We still have a LOT of work to do and the next two weeks are going to be just crazy wild so if I don't post for a while you know why!

1 comment:

  1. Holy God you guys are brave! Can't wait to see the final product! (I fear anything that requires more than paint lol).
