All of the above is great however.....plans rarely work out quite like I...... well.... planned them to. I am aware of this reality and can deal with it. But sometimes I am still taken off guard, I still sometimes think "but I had a plan I am sticking to the plan...WHY IS THIS NOT WORKING!"
Here was the plan for Sophiekins to get her to start sleeping better:
#1. Ween her off of the "cuddle blankets".
#2. Get her on more of a regular schedule.
#3. Ween her off the swaddle.
#4. Help her learn to go to sleep on her own.
Here is how the plan is going:
#1. This one I tried to do for about a week and then completely gave up and haven't tried again since.
#2. This past week was the first time I tried to keep her to any kind of a regular schedule. So far she is still mostly all over the place. Waking up anywhere from 7am - 10:30am and napping anywhere from three to four times a day. She usually will only sleep for an hour at a time during the day unless I can get her to go back to sleep and then she will sleep for another hour or so. Sometimes. I try to put her down to bed at 10pm every night and then she will either wake up between 2 and 4 and then again between 6 and 7 or she will wonderfully sleep till 5 or 7.
So how did trying to keep to a schedule go? Not - that - great - !
I gave us a break this weekend and then tomorrow we are back at it trying to give some predictability to our day!
#3. This is actually not going that bad! She has been sleeping with one arm out for almost a week now and I am going to start her sleeping with both arms out we shall see how it goes!!
#4. This has not even been attempted yet. I am not looking forward to this as I see sad crying in our future. But I am getting desperate so I have great motivation!
And now some random cuteness!

Wearing dad's work boots

Sitting in mom and dad's bed
That is one cute baby
ReplyDeleteI second that, Trevor.