My house stay's clean for a week and is a mess for a week and half. I am productive for three day's and get nothing of substance done for the next two. I work out for three weeks and.......well you get the idea!
Its EXTREMELY frustrating and something I have wished and prayed and strived to change.
Needless to say you as you can see it has spilled over into blogging....arrrrghrg
The big news: Three weeks ago Sophie turned nine months! And the day after she started crawling!!
She just keeps getting more and more mobile.....greeting me after her nap by standing up in her crib. And she just keeps getting more beautiful.
Here are her nine month pictures. I attempted something way above my skill level that should really never even be done - harsh sunlight and extremely hight contrast!....but little pickle is so cute she pulls it out for me in the end..
We love her. So much! The end.
Lighting, contrast, editing are all things you can learn... but you have an eye for the shot from what I can see and that will take you far, it's something you cannot learn.