Though we still have some work to do Sophie's sleep issues are so much improved from about a month ago.
I have been to the grocery store twice now (not just me and Sophie yet we went with Trevor) and she sat happy as can be in her car seat almost the entire time.
I made a Wal-Mart trip just the two of us (risky I know) the other day to get a few things and she once again sat in her car seat for 30 min or more perfectly happy.
During the day she is more content to spend time just sitting playing chilling out. Most of the time even when she is getting fussy if she can see me she is happy.
I knew from the moment that I realized that Sophie was my special challenge supreme baby that someday things would get better. That I needed to endure and find joy through the valley and before you know it the top of the mountain would be there taking our breath away. And what do you know....I am breathless....
EDIT: OK so this always seems to happen I wrote the above post out a couple of day's ago....and now everything has changed we have had a few bad day's. For almost a week she magically started sleeping 1-2 hours at nap time (which I thought was due to me darking the room by putting a blanket over her window) and was doing a little bit better at night going about a 6 hour stretch and then about every 3 hours after that.
The past few day's NOT SO MUCH! Back to napping only 30 -40 min at a time and will not sleep longer than a 4-5 hour stretch at night and then wakes sometimes an hour after feeding! I am so sleep deprived and at this point have NO idea what to frustrated!!! One step forward two steps back.
I love you Sophie I truly do!
eek i feel your pain! the only thing predictable about baby sleep, is that it is UNPREDICTABLE! my friend / neighbor has a 6 month old and she is having even more sleep troubles than i am. so i realize this might not resolve as fast as i'd like. :(
ReplyDeletePS what picture dimensions do you use to get them so big? i have read how to make them big but everytime i try it doesnt look nice.
Thanks for the empathy! At least I am not the only one!
ReplyDeleteWell before they changed blogger editor I was using 640 X 480. I would copy and paste the HTML code from photobucket and then if you clicked on the picture you could resize by dragging the corner of the picture. Now in the new blogger editor if you click on the picture a little box shows up on the bottom and you can select a size. I use Xlarge but I am not sure what the actual dimensions are.