Dad - Chica monkey, chuncka monkey, scooter, scooter pooter, princess, baby bi
Mom - Pickle or little pickle or pickle baby, baby gerkin, pretty eyes, Sophiekins, fuss pot, potful of fuss.
She is..
Doing very well with controlling her arms and legs reaches for toys and sometimes can even grasp them and always try's to get them into her mouth.
Holding her head almost completely steady and is only sometimes a bobble head and holding her head the entire way when you pull her up by her arms from laying on her back.
So close to rolling over but since she hates tummy time hasn't quite got it yet!
Such a loud baby she makes funny sorta yelling noises while playing which sometimes sound mad or sad but usually its just play.
Now in her little tub in the big tub because she splashes like crazy!
In her car seat now without any of the little baby support stuff and she looks like such a big kid.
About to outgrow all the 0-3 months clothing as they are starting to stretch a bit at the bottom and around the middle.
Laughing some! She has done it a couple of times but of course she wont laugh for the same thing twice!
Still a great nurser and typically eats every 2.5 - 3.5 hours.
A beautiful little baby girl!
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