Friday morning we tried round two of getting Sophie to take a bottle. The first time we tried I believe we had the bottle assembled incorrectly. Sophie was screaming and we were trying to look up assembly instructions online! We never found them even after we gave up and I nursed her. After some home investigation we figured out that for some reason there were several plastic parts inside the bottle that I don't believe are necessary? Don't ask me why they were in there!
So we tried again without the plastic bits inside the bottle and SUCCESS! She did great! I was so happy I was jumping around the house....she is eating and I am not feeding her!!! Yeah!!!
That afternoon I had an appointment to get my hair cut at last. It was well over due. Little one did fairly well and waited to start crying until I was almost done with my haircut.
Saturday we needed to take one of our car's in for some work so we jumped in the car right after Sophie's early morning feeding and picked up some breakfast on the way home. Not long after we got back Trevor's Aunt Laura and Rhonda came for a visit and not long after that Trevor's parents stopped by for a visit. Then we had run back out to pick up the car! Needless to say we were all worn out and needed a nap after all of that!
Sunday we had planned on trying to take family pictures at the Gaylord hotel. Sophie took a good morning nap so I was able to get ready and Trevor left at 1:30 to pick up my little sister to take the pictures for us. We headed out at about 2:30 and that is when I realized I was so busy getting everyone ready that I had failed to notice that I was hungry...oh dear! We found the hotel without any problems but once we got there figured out that sadly we would have to park in the parking garage which cost $12!!!! It was also a bit of a walk to the hotel! Note to us put the stroller in the car and keep it there! We made it inside and Sophie was just happy enough for about half of the pictures :-( Then she was done and started fussing.
Here is a taste of the pictures we were able to get. I want to photo-chop the rest!
I call this one "fussy baby"
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