Soooo venturing out from the home cocoon doesn't always go perfectly!
I was going to go grocery shopping today. It was time. We really needed groceries and Sophie is over a month old now so I want to start doing such things as going to the grocery store.
I planned everything out as detailed as I could getting ready to go while she was napping, timing her feeding for just before we left, getting the list together and having in in my purse.
SO everything was going well I made one small mistake and was hungry by the time we left. I have to start remembering that I should eat before I go anywhere even if I don't feel hungry because most likely I am distracted by getting ready and don't feel it!
When I got to the store and was taking Sophie out of the car I realized I had for the first time forgotten the diaper bag.....du du dunnn. I was beginning to start thinking that perhaps this trip might not turn out so well. Then once I got my cart and had Sophie's car seat set in it I realized that I had also forgotten my reusable shopping bags. Not a problem unless you are shopping at Aldi where you bag your own groceries. They have bags that you can purchase but they are not big and huge like my reusable shopping bags so it would take me a lot longer to bag the large amount of food I was going to buy! At that point I almost turned around and went back to the car.
But I did not want to waist all the prep time I had already spent (preparation that did not include remembering the diaper bag or the shopping bags!) so I thought what the heck I will try it!
I bravely pushed my cart with my fussy little girl down the first isle. We made it down the second isle with a happy baby the time I hit the end of the second isle she was starting to fuss. I made a break for it! By the time we were in the checkout lane she was crying and by the time I was done checking out she was screaming! I know that will not be the last time my child is screaming in some store somewhere but I don't think it will ever get more comfortable.
Sorry everyone my daughter is with it!
Round one goes to baby Sophie~