She was not wanting to have her picture taken yesterday for her three week birthday!
Sophie and I went to the library just the two of us today! Everything went mostly well except that I got two incorrect books. Opps!
We sadly agreed and they started to prep me for surgery. I cried and could not believe that somehow we had gotten to this point. The midwife asked if I had any questions.....I only had one...why? She did not have an exact answer. Know one really knows I guess! Why did my water break? Why were my contractions not strong enough or close enough together? Why did walking not make them better? I don't know the answer to any of those questions but I have to accept that this is the way God intended things to go and that I can learn from this experience and hopefully help others because of this someday.
They got me all ready for the surgery and then took me back to the operating room. When Trevor walked in they had apparently already done the incision because his eyes were huge and he said "Ok I have seen all the blood I need to see!" He then told me I was going to have to stop having surgeries! I was starting to get a little bit cold but I was really excited about finally after everything getting to see my little girl! I could not believe it was finally happening! They told me when they were about to pull her out and with a big push on what felt like my chest she was born at 2:31am July the 8th! I herd just a little wahh of a was surreal! That was my baby crying!?! They brought her around the sheet for just a second all covered in muck and gray. She was beautiful! It was hard to connect that little thing to the being that I had carried around for the past 40 weeks and 3 days. They had Trevor go around the sheet and he was taking pictures of them cleaning her up and getting her all ready. She was just giving little wahh's now and then. When she was all ready Trevor brought her around the sheet and I cried little sobby tears. Wow....that was my baby. It was so hard not getting to hold her. I had Trevor hold her up to my face so I could kiss her and put her face on mine. At that point I was shivering really bad because of the cold. I was trying to stop but it was very difficult!
At last they were done and they moved me to the gurney and handed her to me. To be honest I don't really completely remember what I felt at that moment. I know that I was so happy to finally have her in my arms. I remember being afraid that I wouldn't be able to hold her because I was shaking so much. I remember how surreal it felt to finally be holding her. I think I kissed her as they wheeled me back to the L&D room.
I asked when I could start trying to breast-feed. They said right now if you want to! Much to my amazement and absolute delight she latched right on! I was so happy and could not believe it!
Little Sophie Munro:
You are the best thing that has ever happened to me! I have waited my whole life for you! I have wanted you for so long and at last you are here. You were such hard work to bring into the world. Not everything went as planned!! But you should know I would do all that and more over again just to get you! I would do anything for you! I love you more than you will ever know and will always appreciate that the best things come from hard work!
You are deeply and truly loved.
Your mama!